Transport Odessa. Types and options
Airport bus
From Odessa airport to city center there is only one city transport – trolley bus №14. Odessa International Airport has no special shuttle to old city, so except taxi, this is only one option to get there. What is very convenient, you buy ticket directly from the driver and there is no need to look for a cashier. Inside this trolleybus enough space for luggage and the ticket cost nearly nothing. The only problem, one need to wait a long time for this trolley bus to arrive. How to catch it, read in a special article.

Trolley bus №14 to Odessa Airport
Taxi Odessa
Taxi is the fastest way of getting somewhere in Odessa. In the city work dozen taxi services, but you hardly recognize them on streets. That fact is that most of them don’t have special taxi signs. But that is not a problem, because all local people order a taxi by call to operator service. So you need just find a number and call to such service. Couple of taxi mobile phones you can find below. Also don’t forget to read warnings, before pick up taxi somewhere in Ukraine.

Taxi Odessa don’t has such signs
Transport Odessa – car rental service
Service for car rental Odessa Ukraine. Hire a car for a whole term of your presence in the city. You can check the rent price in internet beforehands. That’s appropriate option, because you may order a car and take it right in airport after arriving. This way you resolve a problem to get from airport to hotel. Read attentively rental agreement and don’t forget check out the tips.

Old car near Opera House
Odessa public transport
Regular Odessa transport that local people using every day. This type of transport has both pros and cons. There are three kinds of it: trams, trolley-buses and buses (marshrutka). City transport is not so good, but very cheap. To understand the difference, the same route by taxi cost – $4, and by regular transport only $0,25. So it’s best way to save money, but there is also some rules for using it. Public transport Odessa sometimes is a good choice depends of circumstances.

Transport Odessa – night tram
Carsharing service Odessa
This is a special car rent service with per-minute payment. Suitable, if you make a small trip within the city. All electric cars of one class, so you can be sure of quality. For the first time using this service you need to download application and fill out a form, after which using of service will be quick and convenient. Also using this service you able to rent a car for a whole week.

Odessa transport – carsharing
Odessa Uber
Uber service works in all big cities of Ukraine. So if you have uber apply on your gadget, it won’t be a problem to find a car. Only one thing can prevent calling a car – lack of internet on your phone. Therefore, find out whether your operator provides Internet in Ukraine, or use Wi-Fi in almost any cafe in the city. But do not think that this service works as well as in other countries. Sometimes the car may not match declared quality.

Uber works in Ukraine
Transport to Odessa (Ukraine)
Train to Odessa
Train is a very suitable way to get to the city. From any point within Ukraine, you can buy ticket on a night train and on next day be in Odessa city. Since train tickets in Ukraine is comparably cheap, this is a most popular way of travel between locals and tourists. Odessa train station located within historical centre, so you immediately appears in old town. Read our special article about types of ukrainian train, differences between classes and tickets hunting tips.

Transport Odessa – Ukrainian railways
Flights to Odessa
There is International Airport (ODS) in Odessa. Airport provides daily flights to Middle East countries, Central and Eastern Europe. This is the beggest regional airport on South of Ukraine and only one in Odessa. ODS located in a city suburbs, approximately 8.6 kilometers from old city. To get to center one can by regular taxi service, or by city trolley, which connect Odessa airport with a train station.

Odessa Airport new terminal
Bus to Odessa Ukraine
Travel to Odessa by bus sometimes is more convenient than by other kind of transport. Within the city located two bus stations with international connections. There are daily buses to Kiev from Odessa and what is more important, get bus tickets much easier than train ticket. Take in mind bus transfer option during summer time or holidays, when buy ukrainian railways tickets is very hard.

New bus station in Odessa