Kiev to Odessa. Transport options
Train & Bus
Train, bus or plane. Time and cost comparing
Kiev to Odessa | Time | Price |
Train | 7 – 13 hours | $5 – $20 |
Bus | 6.5 – 7.5 hours | $10 – $15 |
Plane | 1 – 4 hours | $60 – $200 |
Ukraine train. Most popular option for travel from Kiev to Odessa. Travel time ranges from 7 – 13 hours, depending on type of train. Almost all Kiev – Odessa trains are night ones. But also there are couple of day trains. Сost of such trip varies from $5 – $20 (150 – 600 hryvnia). Also depends on class of tickets, date of trip and type of train.

Kiev to Odessa – Train
Ukraine bus. Good option for those who want to get Odessa imidiately. First of all, Kiev to Odessa buses depart almost every hour. Usualy road takes 6.5 – 7.5 hours. Ticket price varies from $10 – $15. Depends on comfort of bus.

Kiev to Odessa bus
Ukraine plane. Fastest and most expensive way to travel between to cities. Kiev – Odessa have regular flight connection, so it’s not a problem to find a ticket. Time of flight takes 1 hour, without transfers. Flight price varies from $150 – $200, depends on air company policy.

Kiev Odessa flight
Kiev – Odessa distance
Both cities connected by straight highway, nearly the best road in Ukraine. Total distance between them is 475 km. It means, that for car traveling, whole road takes around 5 hours, depends of car class and speed. Of course for big busses it takes little bit more time.
Situation with trains is different. Since ukrainian railways net connected all regional small towns, road from Kiev to Odessa by train, become much longer than by car. Train speed directly depends on number of stops on the way. That is why all trains divided into fast and slow, depending on number of stops.
Trip from Kiev to Odessa in summer
This destination is greater in demand especially in summer season. To get a ticket in this time, is quite difficult. It’s not surprising, because Odessa is a main port city of Ukraine and in the same time popular place for tourist and resort. Lot of places to visit attract tourists here. Also summer season it’s time of vacations for local people, which they like to spend near Black Sea. So, there is hight possibility, that you won’t find a train ticket. In this case, better to search bus ticket.
Planning a trip at summer time, take care of your tickets in advance. However, remember that train tickets in Ukraine available a month before departure date.