Chisinau Odessa

Chisinau Odessa. Transport options

Train & Bus


Train, bus or plane. Travel time and cost comparing

Chisinau OdessaTravel timePrice
Train3:40 hours$11
Bus3 hours$11
Plane4 hours$180

Train. Chisinau Odessa train apparently most appropriate way to travel. It starts from main train station in Odessa and come to one in Chisinau. This is a simple train with seat places of same quality. Also it’s not express train. The main benefit to use it, that there is mobile tickets and online booking. Moreover, this is convenient transport for crossing border, because there is no train queues at customs.

Chisinau Odessa train

Ukrainian railways

Bus. The fact is that one can’t buy mobile ticket, because the distance between cities is too short. That is why big bus companies, which support online booking, don’t sell tickets. One can get from Chisinau to Odessa by bus, but only buying tickets on bus station. This is very uncomfortable, because every cashier, as a rule, can’t speak english. So it’s better to use a train, especially because the price and travel time is nearly equal.

Plane. There is not straigh Chisinau Odessa flight. From Chisinau plane flies to Kiev and then to Odessa. That’s why it takes much more time and ticket price is so big. Choosing a plane to travel this route, one can’t save neither money, nor time.

Chisinau Odessa destination importance

First of all, there is Chisinau International Airport (KIV) in Moldova. Airport takes a lot of low-cost airlines from all over Europe. There is also international airport in Odessa (ODS), but low-costs don’t fly there. And that is a problem. That’s why, very often, people find cheap flights to Ukraine and come to Kiev airport. Afterwards they going to Odessa by train or bus. Consequently, when ones going travel only to Odessa, fastest way is to come Chisinau airport and than take a train to Odessa.

Chisinau Odessa transport

Chisinau Odessa – KIV airport

Tiraspol visit opportunity

Chisinau Odessa train passes through Transnistria with a stop in Tiraspol. This is a suitable way to visit unrecognised state of former soviet camp. Besides, by regular train is always easier to cross a border. That’s why tourists who like to see this frozen in time place, prefer to buy train ticket.

Chisinau Odessa Tiraspol

Capital of Transnistria – Tiraspol