Time in Odessa Ukraine
This page will help you find out time in Odessa. Now we will tell a little about time zone. Our city is located in time zone of Bravo, along with such cities as Kiev, Athens, Vilnius, Tallinn, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Riga, Sofia, which means GMT +2 hours relative to Zulu Zero belt. However, to know what time in Odessa Ukraine right now, it is better to check it online, because in Ukraine there is a change of time. March 24, every clock in Ukraine changes to summer time, adding 1 hour. This means that from last Sunday of March until last Sunday of October, time of Ukraine will be DST +3 hours relative Zulu zero zone. That we call summer time.
Such a system may seem cumbersome and inconvenient, but modern gadgets synchronizing with the Internet, automatically change its time. Therefore, to find out time in Odessa now, just look into your smartphone, or check it online.
Also don’t forget to check what weather in Odessa will be, so you can bring with only necessity clothes.
Some fun fact about time in Odessa
Every year a bronze sculpture, or art installation, opens in our city. Usually such objects associated with some episode from local history. They happen to be dedicated to various famous writers, or their works. One of these objects you can find in Odessa City Garden, near Deribasovskaya street. Author called it Odessa time. This is a composition of small bronze sculptures located around an ancient pillar with a clock. Bronze figures are simple citizens, as well as a cat and a small dog. Yes, cats are full citizens of city, like people. Some figures froze in dance, violinist froze with a violin in his hands, and another figure – a praying person.
This whole structure palced on a round platform. The sculptor conceived this art installation so that if you start to rotate platform, music will play. Whole composition symbolizes time of ordinary human life, simple but happy. Happy, because it is connected with our city. This indicated by bronze tablets at the base of platform with different sayings of famous people who visited our city. Dancing figures show inexorable movement of time, and only we decide how to spend it. Whether it will be life in dance with a loved one, or in professional growth, or something else. Walking around City Garden you can always find out what time is it in Odessa, just coming to this installation and check column clock.
The gun and drunkard
It is a fact that a pocket watch was a rarity in first half of 19th century. Not everyone could buy them. Therefore, to know what time is it, in Odessa now, as in any old city, they gave a signal at noon, announcing lunch time. In those days, near Potemkin Stairs, on Primorsky Boulevard, stood a signal cannon. This gun gave a volley exactly at 12 o’clock, thus informing inhabitants how much time in Odessa.
One day in beginning of 1840th, waking up in the morning, inhabitants found that this gun had disappeared somewhere. Absolutely not realizing who might need a whole cannon, they carried out a police investigation. Police captured the thief of cannon very soon. He was a habitual drunkard, who lived near city port. Working sometimes as a loader, he had a Herculean strength, and one day he pulled a wedge from the ground to which implement was tied, dragged that cannon and hide it in the bushes. He explained his action by fact that she simply prevented him from sleeping. After these adventures, signal gun returned to its place.
However, suchlike adventures of ill-fated cannon did not end there. After first case, cannon abducted repeatedly. It even became a kind of fashion – to steal that signal gun from Boulevard. And after another kidnapping, poor cannon was found sawn to several parts. Since then, her place at Potemkin Stairs is empty, and this little piece of old city, unfortunately, disappeared.