Sightseeing + Opera

Sightseeing + Odessa Opera tour detail

sightseeing odessa opera

Duration - 3.5 hours

Price for 1 person - €23

(group price)

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Tour inclusions

  • Sightseeing part. Duration - 2 hours. Take place in old town and covers all city attractions. You will see all the points like in regular walking tour. Undoubtedly, it is the best way to have first acquaintance with Odessa, observe most remarkable sights and know the history of this city.
  • Opera House tour. Duration - 1 hour. This part completely devoted to Odessa Opera House and passes inside it. You will see inner decoration of the theater, parade stairs and hall. During this opera house tour, you will know the history of it, constructing, architecture peculiar properties, secrets of design and reconstruction.

Five reasons to make tour

  • You will get detailed story about most famous city attraction.
  • This mixed sightseeing tour allow you safe around €5-10.
  • If you don't planning to go to the opera, this is only option to observe Opera and Ballet theater inside.
  • The walk take place around old city in unhurried style and will be pleasant for everyone.
  • Mixed tour is perfect options, when you have not enough time for a bigger excursion.

Bus sightseeing + Odessa Opera tour detail

sightseeing odessa operaDuration - 3.5 hours

Price for 1 person - €33

(group price)

Book tour or contact for details:

Sightseeing + Opera House with transport

  • Sightseeing part. Durtion - 2 hours. This part of the tour includes all city attractions, like Potemkin stairs, City Garden, Primorsky boulevard etc. Check the full list of sights that are in sightseeing tour. Since we use a transport for this tour, it can start at any suitable point for you.
  • Opera House tour. Duration - 1 hour. This part totally devoted to Odessa Opera House. We observe it architecture from outside, than explore the theater inside. You will know the history of Odessa Opera, secrets of construction, inner design and interesting facts.

Changeable options of the tour

For this type of tour you able to select another city tour insted of sightseeing. For example, you can choose Jewish or catacombs tour. The price and time - 3 hours, remain same.