Bus tickets Ukraine from Kiev to Odessa
This system offer lot of daily Kiev to Odessa bus options. Enter departure and destination point, required date and choose most convenient bus for you.
Kiev to Odessa bus | Travel time – 5.5 – 7.5 hours | Cost – $12 – 17 |
Where is Odessa bus station
There are 2 bus stations in Odessa: central one and autolux station. The difference between them, like when city have two airports, some carriers work with one, some with another. Same thing with bus stations in Ukraine. The life-hack is that central stations usually worse, than new one. Not-central stations have better location, because they opened by some bus carrier, that trying to improve service.
- Central bus station – check out location. From here one can make bus travel around Ukraine, or abroad. This bus station located a little bit away of city center, so to get to hotel, one need to use public transport, or call taxi. If your bus come at night, make sure you have a transfer options. Surround area is not the best place for night walking.
Notice, if you have arrival address Kolontaevskaya street (Odessa), it means the bus will arrive to central bus station! - Autolux bus station – check out location. This is special station of bus company – Autolux. As you can see, this place located in two steps from Odessa train station. This is very convenient, because it’s just near old city. So, having a hotel somewhere in old center, you will reach it very fast.
Notice, if you have arrival address Starosennaya or Privokzalnaya squares in your ticket, it means the bus will arrive to Odessa train station!

Kiev to Odessa bus station – new
How to find Kiev bus station
- Central bus station – see on map. The only benefits is that station located near metro Demeyevska, so it’s not so hard to find it. Yet, keep in mind, that central station is quite bad. There is Wi-Fi, but it never works and common level of quality is very low. Considering the fact, that there is better bus station in Kiev, only special circumstances should force you to come to central station.
- Vydubychi bus station – see on map. Another station where one can find Kiev to Odessa bus. This station is for couple international bus carriers. Station located near metro Vydubychi, so it’s easy to find it. Also the station itself much better, than central one.
Notice, if you travel with Autolux bus carrier, their buses always starts from Vydubychi station! - Railway station – see on map. There are Kiev to Odessa bus carriers, that starts from main train station. One can fast get there by metro Vokzalna. There is no separate building for bus station, just a parking zone. So, to find bus stop, check attentively address on your ticket.
Notice, if your bus starts from Kiev train station, check out from each side – Central or South!

Bus station Vydubychi – Kiev
Kiev – Odessa distance
Kiev and Odessa are connected by highway, probably best road in Ukraine. Full distance between cities is 475 km. Time travel takes around 5 hours by car. Of course time depends on speed and type of car. That’s why for big busses the road usually takes 7 hours.
One also can travel by train from Kiev to Odessa. Bus traveling is much faster, but if you don’t want to lose day time, overnight train is a good choice. There are couple night trains of ukrainian railways which passes between Kiev and Odessa city. Also you can choose express train. Intercity train goes only 7 hours to Odessa.